Letters From The Loft

Stuff From The Desk Of Chuck Thornton

Thanksgiving 2010 - page 3


With the above observations, I don't want to give the impression that I have a cynical view of the holidays. I do... but I'd rather not give that impression, which only adds more weight to my reputation as a unsentimental curmudgeon. And I've got to say [Warning! Potentially Offensive Observation Ahead!] that, as someone who's been blessed with salvation through Jesus Christ, I've got absolutely nothing to be unthankful for... it's just that the sinful nature for which I've been forgiven also makes me a poor example of the practice-what-you-preach discipline.*   Really, it's not that I don't like the holidays... I just like them all year round. It's sort of like that old joke where a youngster asks his parents, "There's a Mother's Day and a Father's Day... when is Children's Day?" and the parents reply in unison, "Every day is Children's Day." It would be great if we could take it for granted that every day is a day for thanksgiving.

And I know there's plenty of folks out there with their hearts in the right place... and if they'll tell me where that place is, I'll do my best to put mine there too.

So have a great Thanksgiving... one that keeps on going, and going, and going....

*if you'd like to learn more about the incredible grace of God that should make us thankful for all things, please click here, or use the "Testimony" link at the top or bottom of the page. It will take you to a page that contains a link to people who explain it much better than me.